Course Overview

TagUI is a free and open-source Robotic process automation solution that is quickly becoming one of the hottest tool in the space.In this course, we're going to cover the fundamentals of TagUI by going through the various features that are available inside.  Some of the major topic that we will cover include installation & configuration, creating basic and advance flows, debugging, helpful utilities and implementation best practices. By the end of this course, you'll understand the procedures, techniques, and how they'll help your code when using TagUI.

Course curriculum

    1. TagUI: Course Introduction

    2. TagUI: RPA Introduction

    1. TagUI: Pre-requisites for TagUI

    2. TagUI: Installation & Configuration

    3. TagUI: Installation & Configuration Continued (Windows Installer)

    4. TagUI: How to Update TagUI?

    5. TagUI- Software Download Location

    6. Quiz : Setup and Configuration

    1. TagUI: Understanding TagUI Flow Structure

    2. TagUI: Setting Up a Code Editor

    3. TagUI: Creating & Executing Your First Flow

    1. TagUI: Ask

    2. TagUI: Comments

    3. TagUI: Lesson Recap (Comments, Echo, Ask)

    1. TagUI : Variable and Assign

    2. Assignment Operation with Arithmetic Operator

    1. Basic Operator - Addition (+)

    2. Basic Operator - Subtraction (-)

    3. Basic Operator - Multiply (*)

    4. Basic Operator - Division (/)

    5. Basic Operator - Modules (%)

    6. Basic Operator - Increment (++) and Decrement (--)

    7. Comparison Operators 1/4 - Introduction | Equal to | Equals to (Integer & String)

    8. Comparison Operators 2/4 - Not Equal to | Not Equals to (Integer & String)

    9. Comparison Operator 3/4- Less than | Greater than Example

    10. Comparison Operators 4/4 - Less than or equal to | Greater than or equal to

    11. Logical Operators - AND , OR , NOT with Example

About this course

  • Free
  • 66 lessons
  • 9.5 hours of video content

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